
Working with professional grade oil paint on linen or wood panel, I create paintings from your photos that will become cherished heirlooms.

For an estimate on a custom oil painting, click on the form button below or email me directly at Include your photo(s) and an idea of the size you would like quoted: small (12” or less), medium (14 to 24”), or large (28” to 48” and up). I will provide a quote on a variety of size ratios based on your request of small, medium, or large and give an estimated start date. From start to ready for pickup or mailing is approximately 4-8 weeks.

Each commission is unique and quoted individually. The prices below are provided as average prices based on size ranges. Your painting maybe more based on additional factors. A deposit of 40% is required to schedule the painting. Once I begin the painting, this deposit is nonrefundable with balance due at pickup or before mailing.

Small 8” to 12” : $500 to $1100

Medium 14” to 24”: $1400 to $3200

Large 28” to 48”: $3300 to $7000

Let me know what I can paint for you. Send me an inquiry